Date report
Date report includes information about calls for the selected period.
Left-click on the selected period will allow to generate a date report. At the same time, during the creation of subsequent reports or moving from the date report to other reports, the specified period is preserved.
The report contains information about incoming, outgoing calls and calls within the system, the average ring time and talk time.
The graph shows the number of calls per day.
A detailed call report for the selected day opens by clicking on the graph.
Unique conversations Unique Conversations block displays the number of conversations with different callers for the selected time frame.
- total unique conversations for the selected period
- incoming unique conversations
- outgoing unique conversations
- The quantity of unique conversations for the selected period in percentage terms to all conversations for this period.
When the sum of incoming and outgoing calls bigger than Unique Conversations rate, that means the difference was involved both in incoming and outgoing calls.
New conversations
This index displays the quantity of numbers there were no calls before.
- total new conversations
- incoming of them
- outgoing of them
- How many calls were received from new subscribers in the selected period in percentage terms to all unique subscribers available with the system.